Hello New World

December 22, 2012 surviver hello fengche.co


ruby Robot.new('yedingding').say(['tech', 'life', 'fun']).in('Fengche.co')

Hey, I’m Dingding Ye. If you can see this post, you’re lucky enough to be as me to be survived when the end of world counted down. Thanks God!

I’m a father, son, husband and also Co-Founder of the Fengche.co team. Few one cares yesterday but I hope now it’s different. Life is beautiful, we love until we die. As a surviver, I want to make life more meaningful and that’s the driving force to make Fengche.co better and better. I believe Tech startups are the future of the world and I hope Fengche.co can help tech startup better working on their startups. Feel free to tell me if you hate it and why. Thanks!

Personal Info

yedingding@gmail.com https://github.com/sishen http://cn.linkedin.com/in/yedingding https://twitter.com/yedingding https://facebook.com/yedingding https://weibo.com/presently https://plus.google.com/102475612847000088909



技术创业者,系统架构师,GrowingIO 联合创始人,Teahour 主播。